Sunday 27 July 2008

Week 33 Update

You can now probably distinguish the baby's knee from and elbow, even though the movements are smaller. You may also notice small bumps that appear to be rhythmic in your uterus. This is probably caused by the baby having hiccoughs and isn't cause for alarm. Continue learning all you can about labor, birth, postpartum, and newborns!

Your baby has surfactant, which helps baby breathe after birth, coating the alveoli in the lungs. After this week, if your baby is born, you have less of a chance of apnea of prematurity. S/he weighs about four pounds (1.8 kilograms).
There are almost 2 pints of amniotic fluid in your uterus. You may have been told that you have polyhyrdamnios, or too much amniotic fluid. The opposite of which would be oligohydramnios, often associated with Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). However, it is important to keep in mind that everyone has varying amounts of amniotic fluid.

Don't forget to spend some time practicing relaxation with mom. Try putting on some nice, quiet music and giving her a massage and working on practicing relaxation for birth.

Quackety Quack

Nothing much to report this week, apart from the cradle arrived from Next today.

Connie is walking like a duck now, and sort of waddling about in the bowling ball up your ass sort of way.

She says there is a constant downwards pressure on her foofy and the constant need to pee is unbearable.

She wont slow down any though and continues with her regular day to day stuff no problem. She finishes up at work next week and I can say that Im quite glad.

I leave her sleeping this morning as its Sunday mostly because I couldnt sleep any longer with her perpetual snorning and grunting and tossing and turning. She must have got up to pee about 8 times last night, or at least it seems that way this morning

Saturday 19 July 2008

Baby Bag

No way, it cant be that time already.....

Connie is making a list of waht she is going to pack in the baby bag tomorrow. It cant be that time already

I have a sudden panic, but it subsides and I have a chug instead to calm my nerves.

Week 32 Update

As you begin to have more and more Braxton-Hicks contractions you may begin to wonder more about labor and what it will entail for you. Most women have questions about labor and birth, for example:
Is this labor?
When should I go to the birth place?
How do I time contractions?
What should I pack?
Will labor be really painful?
I want to address the last question specifically. About 10% of women will tell you that labor is extremely painful, while 10% of the women will tell you that they experienced no pain. The rest, 80%, will fall someplace in the middle of the two extremes.

Your baby's movements will peak this week then change in quantity and quality. Remember to do your Fetal Kick Counts. Most of the wrinkles are disappearing from baby's face, and there may be a lot of hair! Your baby has put on about 2 pounds of weight, mostly fat and muscle tissue, bringing the total to about three pounds 11 ounces (1.7 kilograms), and 40 cms or 15.8 inches!
Babies who are born at a younger gestation than this will most likely having difficulties sucking or nursing. This also applies to babies who weigh less than 1500 grams. A good sucking pattern is a sign of neuromuscular maturity.

Are you ready for baby? What do you have left to do? Sit down and make a list of things that are left to be done before the birth. Do you have a car seat? Have you picked a pediatrician?

Sleepless Nights and the pee pees

It must be hard now, she cant sleep (ergo I cant sleep) and every five minutes she is pee-ing.

She never looks comfy, she is always twinging and oohing and the constand need for the lavvy must be unbearable. Not to mention the stink which has taken on a rather pungent aroma.

Nookie is off the cards, and its been three weeks and counting since our last encounter of the third kind. Im climbing the walls.

I sort of think her bump is quite sexy now, is that too weird ?

Raspbery Ripples


this was amazing, it was like her entire bump was rippling with baby movements, like a big wave. It was weird, fantastic, creepy, all in one go.

Alien in mums tummy. direct quote from our eldest child who is so freaked out by it that she runs away. The younger two think its great.

Elbows and legs seem to be coming to the surface now, its just so stunning to watch. This is my favourite part of being a pregnant dad.

Week 31 update

Your abdomen swells and your rib cage and pelvis may be sore as the baby gets bigger and fills up all the space you have available. While it is really great that your baby is gaining weight and growing strong, you may be in line for different discomforts at this stage of the game, like heartburn and leg cramps.
A few women will breeze by even this phase of pregnancy without any discomforts. This does not mean that your body isn't preparing for birth. It could be pain tolerance levels, exercise and agility levels and many other factors. So, count your blessings if you fall into this category!

You may worry that if you are breathless from walking or sometimes even just sitting that your baby is in danger. This is not true. Your baby is getting plenty of oxygen from your placenta.
The baby's irises can now dilate and contract in response to light. Due to the deposits of white fat underneath the skin the baby's skin is no longer red but pink, and your baby weighs about three pounds and five ounces (1.5 kilograms). The finger nails may reach the end of the hands.

If you are planning on giving birth in a hospital or birth center, you might want to plan your route there. Don't forget to plan for traffic, special parades,

Back of holiday

Back off holiday, thank god we are home.

The heat was sweltering, money was tight, connie was fussy about the food she was eating, it was hard to sleep at night with uncomfy beds and restless pregnant woman. That woman can moan for scotland. (But i can hardly blame her considering she is carrying a bowling ball with her night and day)

Still, we are home safe and sound and no emergencies when we were there.

Boil in the bag baby

Connie cant walk very far, so she has been lying beside the pool most of the time topping up her tan with millions of sun tan lotion on bump.

She happens to comment that it will be like a boil in the bag baby.

I cant get this image out of my head now, uncle bens boil in the bag baby.....

No wonder the little pudding is so restless, he or she is melting in there, roast beef and two yorkshires please.

Must get rid of this mental image.

Off on holiday

I think it pretty brave of her, but she still wants to go away on the holiday that we had booked to tenerife.

Its going to be about a 4 hour flight and in the cattle section so there wont be much room for her.

Not to mention the heat at the other end.

On the way to the airport she is fiddling with a padlock for the cases, she has obviously forgot the combination that she has set and it getting frustrated at it. I launch it out the window. Problem solved, lets go on holiday.

The cases are of emmense heaviness as normal.

On the flight, the seatbelt hardly fits around her and she looks terribly uncomfy with almost no legroom on a 4 hour flight, having to pee every five minutes. Pretty proud of her that she endured this at this late stage of pregnancy, it cant of been easy.

Week 30 update

Your posture is still very important to your comfort. Maintaining a good posture is a good way to decrease the strain on your body as your center of gravity continues to change.
One of the things that you can do to help maintain your energy levels and to increase your stamina for the birth is to exercise. It is important not to over do it, especially if you have not been exercising prior to this week. Try taking walks or swimming short distances. Getting out and stretching will help you have feel better and reduce the numbers of pregnancy related complaints.

Baby is very aware of the surroundings. We tend to think of the uterus as a dark place, but it can be light and dark depending on the mother's environment. You may be able to distinguish sleep and wake cycles in your baby. Although it usually seems as if the baby wants to sleep while you are awake and vice versa at night.
If you are having Braxton Hicks Contractions use them to practice what you've learned in childbirth class, and know that they are a sign that your body is getting ready for labor.
Baby weighs a whopping 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms)! S/he measures about 14.8 inches (37.5 cms) in length.

Take notes in childbirth class. Write down what you think is most important for you to remember. Don't suffer from information overload. If you practice three positions for labor each night, remember the one she liked the most. This "cheat sheet" will help you when it's time for labor!