Sunday 27 July 2008

Week 33 Update

You can now probably distinguish the baby's knee from and elbow, even though the movements are smaller. You may also notice small bumps that appear to be rhythmic in your uterus. This is probably caused by the baby having hiccoughs and isn't cause for alarm. Continue learning all you can about labor, birth, postpartum, and newborns!

Your baby has surfactant, which helps baby breathe after birth, coating the alveoli in the lungs. After this week, if your baby is born, you have less of a chance of apnea of prematurity. S/he weighs about four pounds (1.8 kilograms).
There are almost 2 pints of amniotic fluid in your uterus. You may have been told that you have polyhyrdamnios, or too much amniotic fluid. The opposite of which would be oligohydramnios, often associated with Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). However, it is important to keep in mind that everyone has varying amounts of amniotic fluid.

Don't forget to spend some time practicing relaxation with mom. Try putting on some nice, quiet music and giving her a massage and working on practicing relaxation for birth.

Quackety Quack

Nothing much to report this week, apart from the cradle arrived from Next today.

Connie is walking like a duck now, and sort of waddling about in the bowling ball up your ass sort of way.

She says there is a constant downwards pressure on her foofy and the constant need to pee is unbearable.

She wont slow down any though and continues with her regular day to day stuff no problem. She finishes up at work next week and I can say that Im quite glad.

I leave her sleeping this morning as its Sunday mostly because I couldnt sleep any longer with her perpetual snorning and grunting and tossing and turning. She must have got up to pee about 8 times last night, or at least it seems that way this morning

Saturday 19 July 2008

Baby Bag

No way, it cant be that time already.....

Connie is making a list of waht she is going to pack in the baby bag tomorrow. It cant be that time already

I have a sudden panic, but it subsides and I have a chug instead to calm my nerves.

Week 32 Update

As you begin to have more and more Braxton-Hicks contractions you may begin to wonder more about labor and what it will entail for you. Most women have questions about labor and birth, for example:
Is this labor?
When should I go to the birth place?
How do I time contractions?
What should I pack?
Will labor be really painful?
I want to address the last question specifically. About 10% of women will tell you that labor is extremely painful, while 10% of the women will tell you that they experienced no pain. The rest, 80%, will fall someplace in the middle of the two extremes.

Your baby's movements will peak this week then change in quantity and quality. Remember to do your Fetal Kick Counts. Most of the wrinkles are disappearing from baby's face, and there may be a lot of hair! Your baby has put on about 2 pounds of weight, mostly fat and muscle tissue, bringing the total to about three pounds 11 ounces (1.7 kilograms), and 40 cms or 15.8 inches!
Babies who are born at a younger gestation than this will most likely having difficulties sucking or nursing. This also applies to babies who weigh less than 1500 grams. A good sucking pattern is a sign of neuromuscular maturity.

Are you ready for baby? What do you have left to do? Sit down and make a list of things that are left to be done before the birth. Do you have a car seat? Have you picked a pediatrician?

Sleepless Nights and the pee pees

It must be hard now, she cant sleep (ergo I cant sleep) and every five minutes she is pee-ing.

She never looks comfy, she is always twinging and oohing and the constand need for the lavvy must be unbearable. Not to mention the stink which has taken on a rather pungent aroma.

Nookie is off the cards, and its been three weeks and counting since our last encounter of the third kind. Im climbing the walls.

I sort of think her bump is quite sexy now, is that too weird ?

Raspbery Ripples


this was amazing, it was like her entire bump was rippling with baby movements, like a big wave. It was weird, fantastic, creepy, all in one go.

Alien in mums tummy. direct quote from our eldest child who is so freaked out by it that she runs away. The younger two think its great.

Elbows and legs seem to be coming to the surface now, its just so stunning to watch. This is my favourite part of being a pregnant dad.

Week 31 update

Your abdomen swells and your rib cage and pelvis may be sore as the baby gets bigger and fills up all the space you have available. While it is really great that your baby is gaining weight and growing strong, you may be in line for different discomforts at this stage of the game, like heartburn and leg cramps.
A few women will breeze by even this phase of pregnancy without any discomforts. This does not mean that your body isn't preparing for birth. It could be pain tolerance levels, exercise and agility levels and many other factors. So, count your blessings if you fall into this category!

You may worry that if you are breathless from walking or sometimes even just sitting that your baby is in danger. This is not true. Your baby is getting plenty of oxygen from your placenta.
The baby's irises can now dilate and contract in response to light. Due to the deposits of white fat underneath the skin the baby's skin is no longer red but pink, and your baby weighs about three pounds and five ounces (1.5 kilograms). The finger nails may reach the end of the hands.

If you are planning on giving birth in a hospital or birth center, you might want to plan your route there. Don't forget to plan for traffic, special parades,

Back of holiday

Back off holiday, thank god we are home.

The heat was sweltering, money was tight, connie was fussy about the food she was eating, it was hard to sleep at night with uncomfy beds and restless pregnant woman. That woman can moan for scotland. (But i can hardly blame her considering she is carrying a bowling ball with her night and day)

Still, we are home safe and sound and no emergencies when we were there.

Boil in the bag baby

Connie cant walk very far, so she has been lying beside the pool most of the time topping up her tan with millions of sun tan lotion on bump.

She happens to comment that it will be like a boil in the bag baby.

I cant get this image out of my head now, uncle bens boil in the bag baby.....

No wonder the little pudding is so restless, he or she is melting in there, roast beef and two yorkshires please.

Must get rid of this mental image.

Off on holiday

I think it pretty brave of her, but she still wants to go away on the holiday that we had booked to tenerife.

Its going to be about a 4 hour flight and in the cattle section so there wont be much room for her.

Not to mention the heat at the other end.

On the way to the airport she is fiddling with a padlock for the cases, she has obviously forgot the combination that she has set and it getting frustrated at it. I launch it out the window. Problem solved, lets go on holiday.

The cases are of emmense heaviness as normal.

On the flight, the seatbelt hardly fits around her and she looks terribly uncomfy with almost no legroom on a 4 hour flight, having to pee every five minutes. Pretty proud of her that she endured this at this late stage of pregnancy, it cant of been easy.

Week 30 update

Your posture is still very important to your comfort. Maintaining a good posture is a good way to decrease the strain on your body as your center of gravity continues to change.
One of the things that you can do to help maintain your energy levels and to increase your stamina for the birth is to exercise. It is important not to over do it, especially if you have not been exercising prior to this week. Try taking walks or swimming short distances. Getting out and stretching will help you have feel better and reduce the numbers of pregnancy related complaints.

Baby is very aware of the surroundings. We tend to think of the uterus as a dark place, but it can be light and dark depending on the mother's environment. You may be able to distinguish sleep and wake cycles in your baby. Although it usually seems as if the baby wants to sleep while you are awake and vice versa at night.
If you are having Braxton Hicks Contractions use them to practice what you've learned in childbirth class, and know that they are a sign that your body is getting ready for labor.
Baby weighs a whopping 3 pounds (1.36 kilograms)! S/he measures about 14.8 inches (37.5 cms) in length.

Take notes in childbirth class. Write down what you think is most important for you to remember. Don't suffer from information overload. If you practice three positions for labor each night, remember the one she liked the most. This "cheat sheet" will help you when it's time for labor!

Wednesday 25 June 2008


I get in from work and connie is a bit upset as she has been having what she describes as period pains.

I tell her its a bit late for those, but she doesnt see the humour, in fact blanks this comment altogether as if she didnt hear it. I decide not to push my luck.

I tell her to take it easy and suggests that she jump in a nice bath, which seems to ease them slightly.

Massive Kicks

Massive kicks today

Like the baby is moonwalking in the womb.

Its like waves and waves of ripples.

Its cool, funny, great in fact but also kinda weird.

l - last day

L's last day at work today

She had been on the pat and mick, but turns up at work today to check in with her boss and start her maternity earlier.

Connie and I go on holiday on tuesday for two weeks, and by then L will only have about 2 weeks to go, so if its a bit early the next time I will see her she will have a little bambino.

She is shiting herself.

Stupid Stupid Stupid Man

She asks me what is wrong with me today.

I make the school boy error of sending her the following txt. I suppose at the time I just wasnt in the mood for the usual "nothings wrong" game. Yes there is something fucking wrong and Im going to just spit it out. DOH DOH, should know better DOH.

Sexually frustrated.

She tells me she was very upset at this and spend considerable time crying, telling her mum, our eldest daughter and crying some more. Now, im all the bad bastards under sun.

I should have know better. School boy error number 991

A big Massive fat row

Lets talk about my life for a second.

I work full time, Im trying to be debt free by earning lots of extra pennies on teh computer, I am converting my own loft, I find the time to spend with connie and the girls as often as possible.

If I dont work on the computer then I cant get through the month and we certainly wouldnt be going on holiday this year. Thats just life for me, I take it in my stride and get on with it, Im ever the optimist and positive to the last.

I wish other people shared this lifes too short attidue, but not today.

Pregant hormone strikes back.

I got both barrells this morning, I got the you work too much, your always on the computer, I just want to spend time with you, your so lazy, I hate you, Im moving out, Im getting a council house, I hate you some more, your an arsehole.

Why oh why is nothing good enough, it doesnt matter what you do chaps, you needed worry, your fucked !

Week 29 Update

As your baby is growing, so is your body. You may feel as if your internal organs are crowded. They are. The best way to deal with the discomforts of late pregnancy are:
Good Posture
Proper Nutrition
Rest (When you can!)
Most discomforts will occur in your back, your legs, and the amount of air you can take into your lungs. Hang in there!

Your baby is busy getting ready for the birthday! The baby is beginning to regulate his own temperature and the bone marrow is completely in charge of production of the red blood cells. The baby is even urinating about a half liter of urine into the amniotic fluid everyday!
The movements that you feel will probably begin to change at this point. Once your baby held wild gymnastic parties, now as the space becomes cramped you notice smaller movements, such as elbows and knees. Try monitoring the baby yourself, using fetal kick counts.
Your baby weighs in at about two pounds nine ounces (1.16 kilograms)!

Her back is aching and she's probably not feeling as comfortable as she once did. Have you rubbed her back? You might even consider a professional pregnancy massage. It makes a great gift.

Loft Spaces and Babies and Work

I have been working in the loft a lot this week as Im planning to have a loft room up there.

My middle daughter can have her own personal space when teh baby is here with a nice big bedroom as we really need the extra space.

My eldest daughter is moving back in and space is going to be at a premium, so Ive been busy flooring, shifting beams and getting velux windows fitted.

Its not easy being able to hold down a full time job, then come home to a major DIY project, but quite frankly needs must.

Week 28 update

You will probably begin to see your practitioner every 2 weeks now. If you haven't begun discussing labor plans with your practitioner, now is the time to start!
If you have taken childbirth classes you have a good idea of the interventions and alternatives associated in childbirth. The most common things that people have questions about are: episiotomy, fetal monitoring, and pain relief in labor.

Your breasts my leak colostrum now, although if they do not leak, this is not an indication that you can't breastfeed. You may also need a Rhogam shot now if you are Rh negative.

Your baby's eye lashes are developing, as subcutaneous fat is deposited. If you have a baby boy, his testes will probably begin descending. Your baby is about 13.8 inches long (35 cms) and weighs about 2 pounds 4 ounces (1 kilogram)!
A baby born at this time has a good chance of survival with the help of medical technology.

Since her prenatal visits are now every other week, you might trying making another visit with her. This will give you a chance to talk about plans for the birth.

Pregnant Women should be banned from driving

Connie leaves the house today and comes back three minutes later crying her eyes out.

She has reversed into my dads car. Its not like it was bright red or anything and was in plain sight when she left the house. No, it was clearly camoflauged and hiding in a fucking bush and just as she was about the reverse out our massively driveway, the micra leapt out and into her path.

We have a row. and she says that the work around the house is getting on top of her. This is the reason that she crashed the car. As housework is clearly linked to bad driving and being blind in the pregnant zone guidebook.

Dad, I and the kids clean the entire house from top to bottom leaving no stone unturned in less that an hour.

Job done.

I wish that I could be a house husband, sit at home drinking tea, eating cookies, watching montel williams in teh morning then claiming to your partner that youve been slaving in the house ALL day.

Week 27 update

Welcome to the third trimester. The home stretch! Around this time you will begin to really put on the weight, this will last until about week thirty-six. Although some cultures dictate otherwise, weight gained during pregnancy is not fat or unhealthy, but rather, necessary for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

The weight that you gain will be distributed in several places. The average breast before pregnancy weighs about 7 ounces and during pregnancy each breast can weigh up to an average of 28 ounces! Some of the weight will go to body fluids (amniotic fluid, blood volume, etc.).

Your baby's skin is very wrinkled from floating in water. This will stay this way until a few weeks after birth as your newborn fills out into a baby. Although take heart in the fact that your baby's looks are assuming the looks that they will have at birth! Baby has also hit the 2 pound mark (900 grams).

If mom is starting to complain about her weight remind her of the importance of weight gain in pregnancy for a health pregnancy. You should also help her by not tempting her with sweets and setting a good example yourself.

(i havent been drinking anything at all in sympathy for her being up on blocks, with of course the exception of getting bladdered with paul and leslie last month on guiness)

Sunday 8 June 2008


I wake up this morning thinking about death

Its gut wrenching, I can feel my stomach churning

I dont know why, maybe its just getting older and panicking there is nothing out there.

Maybe its realising that for every baby being born, somewhere in the world someone is expiring.

I believe in a higher power, Im not sure that i favour any particular religion, but they all have one simple thing in common regardless of how you dress it up and that the existance of something out there.

I hate talking religion and politics, but for some reason I have a moment of severe lack of faith liying in bed today. Its a sinking feeling.

I find something to occupy my mind and the feeling goes quickly. I write this without becoming emotional about it, the moment has gone.

L baby scare today

L is worried today, she says she hasnt felt her baby kick in 4 days.

She had a planned mid-wife visit for today and when she gets there she sent a txt to say that the midwife cant detect much movement and the heartbeat is racing and she has been sent to the hospital.

I tell her to txt later,

Skip to Following morning,

Her car isnt in the car park and I have an instant panic to myself that something is the matter. A txt arrives and everything is Ok but she got home late. I feel instant relief. The thought of anything being wrong with her baby or my baby is just soul destroying.


What do I look like just now, am I am hip dad, or an ageing hippy dad, I cant quite make up my mind.

I have nice jeans on today, a zeppelin t-shirt, a pair of chelsea boots by timberland. My hair is quite long, surfer dude style and I have a coral necklace on that my daughter gave me, or i might have stole......

My mate at work (sandy) is not impressed. He calls me aBeatnik

I think that I quite like this and Im not insulted in the least.

Oh Yeh, check out the funky beatnik dad......

Daddy, Daddy Cool, Daddy, Daddy Cool........

Its not a bulge

We had a right laugh in bed tonight.

Connie referred to her bump as "a bulge"

I was like NO, you can call it a bulge thats horrible, its a bump, dont worry baby, mummy didnt mean to call yuo a horrible nasty bulge...

Suddenly there was a massive kick

I had my face against the bump at the time talking to it (do other men out there talk to their baby bump) and whoosh, definately a foot or a hand right in the mush.

Im giving it, ok, give one kick for a girl and two kicks for a boy.

I think its a girl.

Mind you, considering that I have three girls already, I am not very surprised.

Bad Dreams & The Washing Up

Connie has had two bad dreams this week.

She is petrified of spiders and awoke earlier this week imaganing that bright red spiders were scurrying over her bump. This was scarey enough for her to jump out of bed and switch the light on.

Adding this to the 9th pee journey, the tossing and turning, the snoring and the generall lack of room is not good.

Last night, she dreamt that the baby had died, but for some bizarre reason we were displaying it in a zip lock bag on the mantlepiece.

I do not pretend to understand the finer points of the inner working of the female mind, but there we go.

This is confirmed in todays argument with the pregnant hormones leading the attack. Connie was doing the dishes and I merely ask what I could do to help her, world war 3.

Mental Note;
Could this be a good reason to turn gay ?

Saturday 31 May 2008

Duffer and the Hamsters Baby

Duffer was around today

He breaks the news that one, he, himself and the hamsters deid but the wheels still going around burd would like to open a burger van and have a baby. In no particular order.

I tear a strip off him, reality check time, what the fuck is he thinking about.

I tell him exactly what I think, I dont hold back. Its a bit rich considering our event was unplanned, but hey ho there we go.

He doesnt huff, we discuss, we negotiate, we debate, we are back to normal

I think that he is making a big mistake.

The bucket list

I cried today

Cried uncontrollably

Cried like a child

I think i just need to let it out

I was up before everybody else and I had a pirate copy of the bucket list with morgan freeman and jack nicholson

I had been putting off watching up as the guy that had leant me it said that it had sweedish subtitles. I cracked this morning and finally gave into the sleep deprovation and got up before everybody else.

The house was silent and apart from the crunch of the wooden floor and the sound of the whooshing kettle it was just me and the dog and the telly.

I dont usually watch pirate movies, not that I am particularly against them, but usually because they are such bad quality.

Luckily, i was able to switch the subtitles off and to my surprise it was of perfect viewablitilty.

I would recommend to anyone that they should watch it, it was truly excellent. Its about two guys that become friends after they discover they both have cancer and decide to live a little in their remaining months. They make a bucket list and jump out of a plane, race a mustang, see the world. It was realy really good.

I dont know why I cried, I suppose it reminded me that life is indeed too short, maybe it reminded me of the sadness I would feel when my own dad expires. Maybe I just needed to let out some emotion. I dont know. Maybe it just makes me a sensitive dad.

Connie was up by this time and consoles me.

I start a bucket list.

Having to work Saturdays

Its a stunning day today and I should be taking a break from working.

Its saturday, the sun is shing, the birds are singing, the trees are not swaying in any breeze and their is not a cloud in the sky.

Therefore, why am I not happy.

Im not happing because I am skint and cant afford to take the kids out anywhere, on top of that Connie is working which completely ruins any chance of a family day out.

Why on earth would any team leader in their right minds roster a person in for a Saturday for 2 hours.

I can understand the need for someone having to work a saturday, but for only two hours seems like a complete and utter waste or time, effort, resources and quite honestly it bugs my happiness.

I wouldnt mind so much if it was first thing in the morning, but by scheduling her in from 4 to 6 really fucks up my day. I simply dont see the point.

I have asked her countless times to go and see her work and get a day off at the weekend and she claims that she has done this but nobody is listening to her.

I want to scream at her that she isnt saying the right words and why not do those two hours together with the two stupid hours she is supposed to do tomorrow, rather than completely ruin my weekend.

We cant just have a nice saturday out somewhere with the kids all because some window licker needs tablets admistered to them between the hours of 4 to 6. I have nothing against her clients, in fact all of them are actually quite nice, but they have families and what are their families doing on a Saturday, yip family stuff. They are going out and enjoying themselves safe in teh knowledge that some other muppet has to work with them so they can go off and do what families do at the weekends.

This makes me altogether mad.

Connie asks me on the way out the house if we are all not talking to her because she has to go to work, I lie convincingly well and tell her not to bother.

The kids go into the loft, where i have hung a punch bag, my middle daughter belts ten bells out of it and holly skips.

A childs logic

Its a funny thing, childs logic

Its a lot like the choo choo train things.

Holly had an ice pole today, a bright sickly pink one. We had a conversation.

Daddy: Its pink Holly
Holly: No daddy, its purple.
Daddy: Its PINK
Holly: No daddy, its purple.
Daddy: Its PINK
Holly: No daddy, its purple.

Holly: Well, it tastes purple.
Daddy: It cant taste purple, its pink
Holly: It tastes purple like medicine, I like the purple medicine.

You just cant make that up.

Holly: Taste it Dad,

Yip, it did indeed taste like purple calpol.

A childs wonderfull logic

Sleep Deprovation

I have been living with the support pillows for quite some time ago.

Connie doesnt seem to be sleeping well at all, all the time it seems like she is tossing and turning, getting up to pee, coming back to bed, snoring like a barnyard animal, grunting, kicking off the covers, stealing the covers, pitching back and forward.

Aparently, I have taken to talking to her in my sleep, although I have no recollection about this in the morning.

This can range anything from genuine concern as to whether there is something wrong with her, or telling her to belt up using one syllable words in an angry and agreesive will you shut the fuck up sort of way.

I have to take her word for this, but I know that every morning I have to drag myself from teh depths of slumber and Im feeling altogether muddled. Thus, I know that i cannot therefore by sleeping a sound and rewarding sleep for it has been disturbed and frenzied throughout.

Sleep deprovation is a terrible thing.

Week 26 Update

While you have been feeling movements for awhile, those other people in your life may not have been able to. Around this time it may become possible for them to begin feeling the baby from the outside. It is a really neat to share the experience with others.
Finding a comfortable position for sleeping is a new task! Between night time wakings to go to the bathroom, to get water or snacks, you need all the sleep you can get.
A body pillow will enable you to support your legs and your growing belly! If you don't have one, try making use of several regular pillows.

Veins are visible through your baby's skin, although it is quickly changing from transparent to opaque.
Your baby can hear you and those around you. Although we assume that the uterus is a quiet place, the baby has been surrounded by noise for a long time. Things like your heartbeat, digestion, and other body functions are heard by the baby as well as external noises. Now you may feel the baby jump at a sudden noise.
The uterus also allows some light to be seen. So your baby is aware of lightness and darkness. S/he weighs 1 pound 12 ounces (794 grams) and measures 32.5 cms or 12.8 inches total length.

If you're sleeping with a bunch of extra pillows in bed, you may notice that the amount of room available for you has decreased. Some dads choose to sleep elsewhere to avoid disturbances to their sleep, including the many trips to the bathroom she makes each night. This should be discussed together.

Sunday 25 May 2008

The innocence of children

If theres something I love about being a dad, is the innocence of children, the fact that they believe in monsters, have no problem in speaking the truth or simply that these use words that sound like sounds.

We were at a lovely country park today, and their was a model gauge railway there. My youngest daughter (apart from womb baby?) shouts look daddy theres a choo choo train.

How cool does that sound, a choo choo train, such a descriptive child like word of innocence. But, what else would you call it, big white puffs of steam belching from its every funnel and crevice, peeping its steam whistle as its coal chugged it around the narrow gauge track.

Its such as magical thing being a dad, how else could you experience being on a choo choo train, but singing wheels on the bus. Arms wrapped around your little precious cargo parcel in case they fall off.

How else could a grow man get away with sitting on a model engineered steam train shouting all aboard, tickets please, hold tight, woo wooo.

Friday 23 May 2008

Baby Wakes her up

Connie tells me this morning that baby has woken her up two mornings in a row, kicking lumps out of her.

I tell her that it wasnt baby prodding her with something blunt.....hehehhhehehhe

Week 25 Update

At this point in pregnancy you probably still feel really good! Soon you will begin to see your practitioner more often. When this happens, many women begin to get the feeling that they are "running out of time."
Fixing the baby's room or deciding where to let the baby sleep is one of the things you need to work out your feelings about now. Although, let me tell you from experience that you should reserve the right to change your mind once the baby gets here!

Baby weighs 1 pound 9 ounces (709 grams). The bones are continuing their ossification process, meaning that they are becoming harder.

Are you being heard? If you have opinions about things that relate to baby - speak up! Sometimes mom has a tendency to just give her opinion. Maybe she's asked and you've clammed up? Don't bother, just share what your opinion is on raising baby.


Im still feeling guilty today and I buy Connie a necklace.

Duffer comes around with his little girl and while they are having dinner and playing we nip out and walk the dog. I tell him all about the L row, he makes the point of why is Connie reading my messages, a point remaining unanswered.

He tells me that their was scratchings in his loft last night and after much persuasion from his burd JA, he finally agrees to stick his head throught the loft. JA has convinced herself their is a rat manifestation up there. Duffer and I kill ourself laughing at this, what rats are magically appearing...... We decide on a wind up.

Being a good dad requires a sense of humour or youll just die at the first hurdle and I have been putting into practice for as long as possible.

We phone JA up while walking the dog and try hard to keep a straight face... Outer Hebridean accent.....

"Hello, is that Ms Black ?, "

"Hello Ms Black, this is Mr Mchperson from the Outer Hebridean to Lothians, Environmental Health and Safety, Rat Manifestation Department"

"Shut up, I know its you A"

"I dont know what you mean Ms Black, Im calling about your rat manifestation problem"

"Never mind about the rats, I have to go im cooking my dinner"

"What do mean Ms Black, you have to go before the rats start eating your dinner, did you say"

"Tell me Ms Black, when would be suitable to come around and kill the little buggers, and how would you like me to be killing them, I have a big gun I could bring"

Its goes on for about 10 minutes, we ask her if the rats are the size or dogs, and whether they have been nesting in her knicker drawer and whether they are manifesting themselves regularly.

JA, knows all along its us, but we dont crack and keep up with the accent. Duffer and I laugh the rest of the way home like schoolboys.

Its not as good as the time we convinced Joe he had bird flu though, now that was classic.

Being a dad is always a gamble

I was emailing a friend of mine today at work KG, I told him that being a dad was always a big gamble, I try to explain that its about doing the right thing and the right time and you dont always make it.

He says that he never gambles, especially not with money. I write back to him with some ramblings.

Every day is a perpetual gamble KG, like crossing the road, or wondering if your wife going to do a john wayne bobbet while you sleep. It’s a lot like wondering whether your going to put a bosch titanium drill throught your thumb the next time your doing DIY.

Speculation is Acculumation and times ticks quicker than we anticipate, that’s why I always drive like the golf gti is stolen. I like the life on the edge, so everybody bets.

But theres nothing that makes you want to win a bit more, when you’ve gambled your bread and milk money.

Being a dad is a lot like that I think. Its a tightrope spud, its a tightrope.

We kiss and make up

We havent spoken all day and the silence is killing me.

Cant help thinking about my bump but I dont want to crack and call her first.

L, asks me why my face is tripping me and I tell her about the row, except I change the details so its some other random txt to some other randon burd. She takes connies side, I feel worse.

I get in from work and we have it out, everythings good. We kiss and make up. Happy again.

I feel baby kick today, which is re-assuring.

Wednesday 21 May 2008

Feeling insecure - the big row main event

Last night, I get in from work and connie is all sweetness and light.

There is clearly something bothering her and I put my arms around her and give her a cuddle. I make her tell me what the matter is and she tells me that she is feeling insecure. I probe a little and she tells me that she has read my txt messages on my phone.

Apparently, she says that I had leant my phone to Abbie the other night as I had lots of free minutes and she took the opportunities to read my messages.

She must have read a fair few, very specifically to my mate L, who is also up the duff.

Now to set the seen, L, West and Duffer were the few people that were there for me when Connie and I split at Christmas time.

L is my mate, but thats as far as it goes, we get on great, but she would be far too high maintenance as a burd and not my type. I suppose that she isnt unnatractive, in fact she is probably quite pretty, but she just isnt my type. She is however a really good mate, funny, smart and intelligent. I hold her in high regard and we tell each other loads of stuff. Its good having bloke mates like west and duffer but sometimes you cant quite show your sensitive side to a bloke mate.

So Connie sees these messages and goes off on one, why are you txting her, I dont think you should be calling her this name or that name, is there something going on, do you like her, do you want to be with her and not me, blah blah blah blah blah.

I am calm to start with and tell her nothings going on and that L is my mate, she keeps going on. I loose the plot a little.

Who is she to question me over some innocent txts. I storm out and dont come back until she is in bed. When I do, Im not sure if she is sleeping or just lying in the dark and I dont make eye contact to find out. I switch on my bedside lamp and read my book, she doesnt turn over or makes any move to apologise. I sleep with a clear conscious

I think that Im owed an apology and I think that I might hold out from speaking until I get one.

A prelude to the big row event of the week

Being a pregnant daddy isnt easy. In fact I have come to the conclusion that being a bloke isnt at all easy in teh slightest.

Women demand equality and quite honestly I think they are the fairer, more intelligent and stronger sex, im not making that up.

I think that men are where women were in the days of emily pankhurst and that we are now second class citizens. More wifes are cheating on their husbands, they are better in the workplace than us, they can still hold the Im a woman and thats a mans job card. But, above all they can walk all over us and blame it upon the time of the month, their female hormones, or just plain being a bitch and get away with it.

Men are the battered wifes of the 90's, bring back chovanist equality.

Hide and Seek with Baby

Im sure this baby is playing hide and seek with me.

Connie shouted me through the other night and she said every time she splashed a big wave over her bump, baby seemed to visibly move which could be seen from teh outside.

I took over the water spashing duties and stared intently at her bump. I tried to filter out her breathing and tried to scan the entire bump in one go. Nothing, I was there for about 10 minutes.

I turned away for just a second to have a look at the boobies, and sure enough I missed an earthquake kick and afershock ripples.

Again, I turned back to the bump and stared intently, nothing,

Just leaving the bathroom, and kick kick kick

Its like wheres daddy, hahahhahahha, wheres daddy, hahahahhaha

Her nipples have gone a dark brown colour though, which I kind of like. \Sorry side, tracked there for a moment

Sunday 18 May 2008

Almost Asleep

I did rub bump last night with the spray oil for pregnant mummies last night, but there was no kicks or movemements.

Connie says that she hasnt felt any kicks for a while and she gets worried. I tell her that little flutters are normal.

Just about asleep and he or she starts kicking like crazy, managed to feel at least four or five definitive kicks, one of them a real belter. Connie says she feels other ones, but they must be too sensitive for me to feel yet.

We both go to sleep happy.

Although its Sunday morning, she has to go to work today and I get up just as she is leaving the house. She calls me a hairy monster, and I tell her No, Im Her Hairy Monster.

I give bump a cuddle, resting my head on the top of her tummy, dont really want her to be going to work today, but its her choice.

Feeling a little low this morning.

Saturday 17 May 2008

Week 24 updates - comments

Connie told me today that for the first time she had checked the weekly update on the website we use by herself.

I'm to blame here though, we always check it on a Saturday together and I was out on the beer today with a couple of friends of mine having a little me time.

Its the first time since new year (almost 5 months ago) that I had a drink, not that I drunk much at the best of times. Its also the first time that I have been out with friends.

The six pints of guiness are sitting heavily in my stomach and I can just tell that come tomorrow morning I will be experiencing the joys of pooping out the eye of the needle. My ass will be like a clowns pocket, a ripped out fireplace or a magicians sleeve.

As paul and leslie put it (both like a beer) I will be flying the japanese flag in my bathroom, but I cant understand what they mean by this :)

Mind you, I will have to get used to dirty bums again soon, so may as well take it on the chin.

I got a little distracted their for a moment, but Im a little dissapointed that she checked it herself, I like to read to her how babys getting on. Its quite hard sometimes being an active part of the pregnancy when your a dad.

I give bump a nice rub and give connie a hug while she tells me that technically baby could potentiatlly survive outside the womb at this stage in its development. I hope that doesnt ever happen to us, I just want it to have 10 fingers and 10 toes and it to be absolutely healthy with no black shadows to worry about.

She also tells me that some dads experience pride in their wifes at this stage, but I dont think that I feel this particulary different from normal, I am always proud of her. I should probably show it more though and I will endevour to do so.

She looks good today, she is giving off a glow and the top she is wearing is a smart black and dotty one that sort of cuddles bump. She looks very pregnant and I like her bump, I like seeing pregnant women when they sort of rest one hand on top of the bump, like its a leaning post and she is subconciously holding this pose today while she sits and watches britains got talent.

Im pleased to say that their is no water works or pregnant hormones today, or at least none that are aimed at me as an angry parent has come to the door about her middle daughter.

Think I have straightened that out in a rather diplomatic fashion, ever the peace keeper, but feel an overwhelming protective adrenalin injection when it comes to connie or the kids.

My hands are still shaking a little from the rush and Im going to suggest that we go upstairs in a minute and I will give her a rub with some stretch mark spray that she likes.

This was in a expectant mummy pamper set that I bought her some time ago, with nice lotions, creams and sprays which are kind to baby bumps, but I have to confess that she might have pampered me with it more often that I have her.

Week 24 Update

Your fundus (top of the uterus) reaches just above your navel! You are now aware of your baby's movements and may even be able to tell the sleep/wake cycles of your little one. It is important to recognize the signs of premature labor. Premature labor is actually more common in the summer months, thought to be caused by dehydration in some women, so continue drinking lots of water! Call your practitioner if you have any of the signs of premature labor.

Your baby is almost completely formed, and is beginning to deposit brown fat on his or her body. The purpose of the brown fat is to retain body heat. Newborns are bad at regulating body temperature at first.
Babies born at this point have some chances of survival with very special care. They will be in the Intensive Care Unit, probably for many months. A major problem with premature babies is lung development.
S/he weighs in at 1 lb 5 ounces (595 grams) and 30 cms or 11.8 inches total length!

Mom is now visibly pregnant for most everyone to notice. You may feel a swell of pride when talking about her and the new baby. This is a normal feeling. though some men say it really surprised them.

Thursday 15 May 2008

Unhappy hormones part 2

Every day just seems to be an emotional rollercoaster this week. I thought that the fairies had returned hormones to their normal level of service but not today.

Our eldest daughter was on the phone last night as she had found a picture of her current boyfriend's (who i currently think is quite a nice bloke) ex girlfriend in a an old box under his bed.
For some reason this upset her greatly and she was on the phone roaring and greeting. I pointed out that she had pictures of her ex boyfriends on her PC and her new squeeze didnt seem to mind.

I happened to call her a fruit cake to connie and she has been living the dream ever since.

Today at work, I phoned connie to ask how she was and see what she had planned for the day and how the bump was.

She told me she had seen Lauren and she was still upset. I called her a fruitcake and the atmosphere became decidedly icey.

I called her later and still icey.

I called her later again and told her I was fed up of all the ice maiden routine and I was expecting a nice warm welcome when I got home. I joked with her that I wasnt going to take any pish from her.

I gets home and its all morbid and water works, the night went downhill from there.

Connie says she is tearfull, fed up, depressed, bored. I tell her to get a grip but Im digging myself a deeper and deeper hole. AGAIN. Why do I never learn just to keep my big fat skinny gob shut.

The dog shits in next door neighbours garden, I take the bucket out, I work like I do every night. Either working on the computer or at the moment I am converting our loft into an extra bedroom for our middle daughter for when the baby arrives. I even find time to read Holly some stories from the next books she got at the library today. I am knackered and in no mood for this shit.

I happen to ask connie if she had any free time on her hands tomorrow could she phone the mortgage company and see if they wil give us 3K to finish the loft. Well, there it started.

I dont know how to do that, they will ask me lots of details I wont know the answers to...
Why are you spending money on the loft when you could be doing up the kitchen, blah blah blah blah.....

Theres no winning for me, I only have one pair of hands and I am literally working at full tilt as it is. I have promised her that she will get the house finished before the baby is here but before i take more money on our mortgage I want to be debt free.

I told her after we got back together in December that I planned to be debt free by the end of June (on target) and that once this happened I could afford to take extra money on the mortgage to finish the house.

Even although its still the middle of may and the only money that I have spent on the loft is a couple hundred quid, she doesnt seem to appreciate that I dont have the money just now to do the kitchen, but 3K from the bank to do the loft wouldnt really be a big issue.

A short row ensues.

Why cant I just come home to someone happy and smiling thats enjoying being pregnant. The fact is she is bloody miserable quite honestly most of the time.

Im not sure if this is pregnant hormones or not, connie hasnt even been really know to be the smiley type.

Will hang in there and see what the big dipper is doing tomorrow.

Unhappy Hormones part 1

Lauren our eldest daughters on the phone.

She says she has found a pic of her boyfriends X while raking through his private stuff. She is very upset over this... ????????????????

Connie says she is insecure and hates herself and cant deal with relationships. I put my foot in it as usual by over simplyfying and being blunt.

I tell connie, what does she expect as she hasnt exactly had great role models when it comes to relationships.

I dig myself a deeper grave by saying:

You cheated on your first husband, so he cheated on you! Then he leaves you for another woman abandons Lauren and has kids of his own. Then your mum leaves your dad, then your mums meets a man called Robert who runs away with the slut down the road. Then your mum cant make up her mind what relationships she wants to be in whether its scott or roy or tom dick or harry. Your auntie carol is going out with a married man and to top it all youve cheated on me !
(hence why we broke up last christmas)

Naturally, this doesnt go down well, I should learn by now that the first rule of holes is to stop digging when I am in one. I feel stupid for saying it, but I did.

Al waterworks and pregnant hormones ahoy.

We make up before bed.

Tuesday 13 May 2008

big kicks today

Connie was sitting down on the couch today and I got to feel some nice big kicks

Although, connie has been saying that she has been feeling it a lot this week, the little bugger seems to quit moving any time that it hears me.

So, after many near misses I got to feel it kick tonight. Thats a really nice feeling. It seem to kick in two places all at once and I actually seen it bump about. That was really cool.

Our youngest daughter has just seen it too, and she is amazed that she can actually see something move in mummys tummy, they are both giggling while I type this, so Im off to see some more baby bumps.

10 minutes later......

Sure enough, I get through there and it stops, i sit watching belly for 9 minutes intently but nothing at all, not so much as even a little hickup. Connie says that I missed the biggest kick in the world, thats what they were giggling about.

I want a granpa like this, I wanna be a papa like this

We went to a bar-b-que on Saturday night at Connies mums partners house. (scott)

But as it was raining when we got there everybody had moved into the carport.

Soon after mostly everybody moved into the house and there was only myself, one of scotts mates and scotts elderley brother Iain.

Iain, a nicer man than you could possibly ever meet, started to tell some of his life stories. It was so amazing that it wouldnt have been possible to make it up.

As a young boy, he remember knocking ten bells out of benny hill for taking the piss out of him and his dad had to come to the door. Iain was only a little lad and Benny Hills dad couldnt believe it.
Iain's dad had been good friends with Lawrence of Arabia and as a young boy he remembers having to fill his motorbike gas tank with petrol. He recalls meeting the man, with a long leather overcoat on and flying googles. How cool is that.

If that wasnt enough for one mans life high point, Iain as a young man travelled and ended up in Barcelona where he took a bloke to a bull fight. That bloke was the son (Iain describes him as possibly illigitimate son) of none other than Salvador Dali.

Iain, somehow manages to get to meet the man himself and ends up being friends with him.

He says at this point, that quite unlike what people expected of Salvador Dali, he was a tremendous man and as sort of mayor or patron of his village, the villagers worshipped him as he bent over backwards to meet their every need and request.

Iain goes off at a bit of a tangent at this point and tells me about Dali's livingroom. Iain describes it as an expanse of pure white with sunlight beaming in everywhere, but without any visible windows. After some time, he worked out that the light was being piped in via shafts and mirrors to illuminate the entire room all round the day. He says it was truly amazing.

He recalls from his friendship with Dali, that he used to sell the paintings he didnt like and keep the very best ones for himself. I dont find this hard to believe at all.

Iain describes his favourite Dali to be a portrait of a woman with her back to the painter, looking into a mirror, where you can see her front. He says that it was mesmorizing.

Now, at this point Im thinking, Lawrence of Arabia, followed by Salvador Dali is a hard act to follow but read on.....

Iain back in London, and married by this time, explains that his wifes sister, or cousin or something or other was on the game, he puts no fine a point on it, blunt and straight to the fact she was a hoor. Anyways, the hoor has a son, who the family adopt as their own.

The son, when he becomes a grown man, because the choreographer and one of the dancers in mary poppins and one night invites Iain to a party with Sammy Davis Jnr.

Iain, describes the party as no big deal, everybody was just normal people and "puff" was going around, it was the first time he had tried it. He shared a "puff" with Sammy and seeing a dancer explains that she appeared to be loveliest vision that he ever did see. I get the impression he takes the young lady home stoned out his box and rattles the tart, but he is too much of a gentleman to say.

Now, none of this story was told in a boastfull way, he talks of these characters as if they were jow bloggs down the pub.

But he says, the man that is my ultimate hero, is the guy that saved my brothers life on top of a roof one day. How nice is that, after all the really cool people he has met, his hero is a normal every day bloke, now thats class.

he stands up, rubs me on the back, goes in to the house and plays with all the kids. I am in awe by this point.

Bet your wondering why that was in my daddy diaries, well the reason is simple.

I want a grandad like that, I could listen to that entire story a hundred times over, I definately missed out there when I was a kid.

Failing that, I want to be a grandad like that one day with cool stories and a soft gently manly grandpa way.

Now, my dads pretty cool dont get me wrong and he makes a pretty good grandpa to my kids, so I think he has already achieved the status that I hope to one day aspire too.

week 23 update

During your appointments your practitioner may palpate your abdomen. This process is a way of feeling the position of the baby. A tape measure will also be used to measure your fundal height. This is the top of your uterus and is a good indicator of the continued growth of your baby. Some people will worry if they measure a bit "too big" or "too small." However, it is completely normal to have slight variations at this point. Be sure to ask your practitioner if you are worried. Stop by and check out our Belly Gallery to see other bellies!

The baby's finger nails are almost fully formed and the lanugo darkens. Your baby continues to grow in preparation for the journey of birth. He or she is totally unaffected by the Braxton Hicks, or practice, contractions. Meconium, the baby's first stool, is developing. Baby weighs 1 pound 2 ounces (510 grams).

Mom may actually feel Braxton Hicks contractions, or she might just happen to notice with her hand a slight tensing of her abdomen. This is just her uterine muscle preparing for birth. The uterus actually contracts at all phases of a woman's life, however, we rarely notice this unless our uterus is full! Though it is handy to know the signs of premature labor to help protect your baby.

Friday 9 May 2008

said the wrong thing

Lying in bed, Im rubbing bump

she say "what are you thinking about"

happened to say, i hope its a boy, see last post.

She says "whys that"

I says "becuase we have 3 girls and it would be nice to take a little boy golfing and fishing and do motorsport with him"

She says "you can do that with your daughters youve got, rant rant moan moan, rant moan, rant rant moan moan, more words sounding like moans, finish"

I backtrack quickly, I love my kids, I am close to my daughters, I encourage them to try all persuits from go-karting to rock climbing. Doenst mean that I dont want to do this with a boy though, someone with balls and proper hormones that dont go makkaracha and someone that doesnt watch westenders and chicken street.

Give me break woman, why dont you give me the answer to the question at the same time you ask the question so I know what the answer you want is.

a little tiny baby bum & a bad hormone day

Connie phone me at work today and was going all radio rental

she says that her stomach had gone all hard and she could feel a distinctly round shape pushing out like a little bum or a head.

Hello little bum, said daddy....... Expecting a warm welcome when I get home.

No such luck for me when I got home, by the time I got home the pregnant elf had stolen all the feel good hormones and was giving it pissed off face as the grass wasnt cut, the courier hadnt arrived to take the wii fit away that I had sold on ebay and some other random reasons that she was pissed off as I clearly should have used my crystal ball and phoned the courier when they didnt turn up, even although she didnt tell me this until after the courier office was shut. And, considering she was on a weeks holiday but I had been at work all day it was clearly my fault.

Pregnant hormone, or bad wife syndrome, not really sure. We will go with pregnant hormone.

Suppose its too much to ask for a kiss and a cuddle.

I get a sorry later while im cutting the grass in the twilight evening and a peck on the lips. I also succesfully get a cup of tea, two in fact, one grudged and one offered.

Its 9.30 and im knackered already, i think im coming out in sympathy pains too.
She rubs my back while I earn some pennies on the computer writing reviews, this is welcomed and is about as close to physical contact that I have managed today.

The brown bucket used for the green waste is so jammed packed with grass that I couldnt shift it to beside the green bucket thats used for the bad waste that isnt recycled. Go figure.

Seen L today and she is complaining of fat swollen ankles, she calls them kankles which I find absolutely hilarious. Connie doesnt find this funny in the slighest, the pregnant elf made the tooth fairy steal the funny bone. Hoping the booby fairy will replace it in due course along with the new breasts that I have ordered.

L says she is having a fat day, someone told her she was looking very pregnant, which doesnt help her mood either. Uncle andy tries to smooth it over, but doenst really manage.

So between Kankle Woman and Funny Bone Hormone Wench im on a loosing streak today.

Had to go to the doctors and the menopausal old bag behind the counter complains i am 3 minutes late. Wonder if the police will be late when I take a shit through the sun roof of her car.

Eldest Teenage daughter rambling about deviant sex today also, she seems to think her gay but in the closet and denial friend craig (lovely boy, claims he is straight, when actual fact is clearly camper than christmas and is in sever need of a good rogering, even my non existant gaydar can tell this) may have attempted to have had it off with a water melon and also some undetermined object that he tried to heat up in the microwave, her friend tasha may have been anally fisted by her far too old for her boyfriend and did Connie and I ever experiment with bondage and water sports. Followed closely by the admission that she had found HER tub of tingle play gel in OUR drawers, did not improve my mood.

Middle teenage daughter is in a strop, I ask her originally for the first cup of tea (see above) was ingnored once and then was followed by, "what do you mean all the way over there to the kettle dad" response

Youngest daugher has nits today. Oh joy, so it will be head checks all round

I think i need my head checked too, if you catch my meaning. Im surrounded by hormones, lots and lots of little hormones. Hoping for a boy, please please make it a boy, just so he can share in my suffering.

I play wii sega bass fishing for 12 minutes to relax. Alloted time I am allowed before being subjected to the pish that is soaps.

Calling all gentleman out their in similar boat, this is why we drink gamble, swear and are unfaithfull cavemen bastards that like motorosport, contact games and playing with ourselves.

Sunday 4 May 2008

lots of kicks tonight

lying in bed, almost asleep.

Connie says that she is feeling lots and lots of movement high up near her ribs.

She puts my hand, and I can feel lots of little tickles on the palm of my hand.

Then suddenly, one big thump. It stops after that, and he or she must have got themselves comfy in their as it stops.

Im quite excited by feeling it move so much, but I try to hide it, im sleepy and I wake up with the support pillow.

Connie left for work early and its a

Scarey Movies make baby go nuts

We go to see a scary movie today, its called teh EYE

Both of us are jumping at a few bits and connie actually screams out loud at one point.

Earlier I had dared her to do this, but she refuses, but she does actually scream. Im confused whether she completed the dare or it was a genuine scream.

The baby doesnt like the fear going on and his giving it macca characha in the womb. its kicking like mad.

She wont let me feel it in the cinema, depsite the place being entirely empty.

I buy a wii fit to compensate.

Week 22 update

You are still feeling pretty good and active in this second trimester. If you are still having aches and pains or feel like you are slowing down you may want to look into some different remedies for the problems you're experiencing.
Sex is something that many pregnant couples don't really discuss at length. However, sexuality can change a lot during pregnancy. In the second trimester libido is usually increased. With the increase blood flow and secretions in the vagina and clitoris, some women become orgasmic or multi-orgasmic for the first time.
(not in this house, its off the menu)

The baby is getting bigger and continuing to practice for extrauterine life. This week your baby has developed eyebrows! S/he weighs about 15 ounces (425 grams) and is 27.5 cms or 10.8 inches total length!

Have you packed on a few pounds since the beginning of pregnancy? If so you are not alone. Many dads do put on some weight along with mom. You might also experience other symptoms of pregnancy, also known as couvade or sympathetic pregnancy syndrome.
(no, my bodies a temple)

Holly is sick

Holly spews every where, our youngest child.

I hate cleaning up sick, it really gives me the boke.

I cant believe we are going to be doing this all over again without another baby...... what have we done.

1st May - First kick

Its the 1st of May and I feel the baby kick for the first time.

We are lying in bed and I she says its doing summersaults in there.

I put my hand on her stomach, and although I can feel roughly where the hard areas area, i dont feel what she feels.

Then, out of the blue, I feel a very faint kick, its very faint and its the only one, but I go to sleep happy.

I awake half way through the night with pee pee pants next to me, and I am reliable informed that I had to be shaken away from teh suport pillow.

Week 21 update.

Everyone is probably telling you what sex your baby is using different myths! Some people find this fun, other find it annoying. Using things like how you carry, what you eat, the Chinese Gender Chart, or other myths are fun, but not always accurate. Have you decided whether you want to find out the gender of your baby? There are many things to consider before doing so, and still your baby may not cooperate.

Your baby can still move all over in the amniotic fluid. Towards the end of this trimester the baby will begin to settle, usually in a head down position (Although some babies do not turn head down until late in the last trimester.). About 3-4% of babies will remain in a breech position at term. Your baby weighs just under a pound (13 ounces or 369 grams).

Don't panic over childbirth classes. Every dad there is probably having similar feelings to you. Just smile and know that your childbirth educator is not going to call you out in class. It's not a pass/fail class - think of it as auditing.
(childirth class, last time we had a baby connie almost choked me)

The pram centre

We are in the pram centre and we are having a row over prams.

She has picked out a hideous pram and I have picked out a three wheeler.

As it has a fleece rug in it that has doggy foot prints on it, she takes an instant dislike to it.

We have a row, she leaves the shop and waits in the car.

I pretend to browse for another ten minutes, im not chasing after her like a lost puppy.

She gets out the car, we have another row, she goes home in the car.

I go to subway and buy a cheese and stake sandwich and ask for directions at the bus stop as to which bus to get.

The guy at teh bus stop with learning difficulties, tells me the time, the route and how much it will cost me. Im very impressed, its all very rain man.

There is a ned at the bus stop in a tracksuit, im sitting on the bench waiting for the bus to get here and eating my roll.

He is spitting constantly on the ground and im consdiring whether to banjo the arsehole when the bus comes and saves me the bother.

L txts to say that she seen me on her way past IN THE CAR, thanks for picking me up luv.....

I get home and go straight out in my own car to b&q for for diy supplies that I need, she passed the opposite way but doesnt even look in my direction.

I phone her when im in b&q and she comes and meets me and we kiss and make up.

We go home and buy a pram and other bits and the rest of bits and pieces we need online at mothercare and save ourself a few quid as I have a discount voucher and there is a sale on last years three wheelers.

week 20 update

You are half way through your pregnancy! Congratulations! Your belly button may pop out and stay that way as your uterus presses upwards. Some people will have trouble breathing as their lungs become cramped. This will usually continue until the baby "drops." In a first pregnancy this will generally occur 4-6 weeks before your birth and with subsequent pregnancies not until you are in labor. Once the baby "drops." You will have to urinate more frequently, hard to believe, eh? Remembering to do your pelvic tilts prior to laying down will hopefully allow you a few more minutes before the next bathroom break.

Lanugo forms from sebum and skin cells to create vernix. This creamy white substance is believed to help protect the baby inutero. It will cling to the lanugo and in the creases. This is also something that can be seen sometimes after the birth. Rumor has it that nursery nurses use it for hand lotion, because of its smooth, protective quality.
You may be aware of sleep wake cycles in your little one. The weight is now up to 10 ounces (283 grams) and the baby measures about 25 cms total length, about 9.8 inches. Many moms have an ultrasound at week 20. It may be your first peek at baby.

Take mom out to dinner to celebrate the half-way point in pregnancy. My husband adds that a gift for the baby is also a nice touch. This is particularly true if you're just finding out if your baby is a girl or a boy.

( we have dinner, and we buy some baby grows from next)

Its a maisy run up the wing, he shoots, he scores

Connie is taking our youngest daughter to school today and just as she turns the corner, bang

Some little boy has done a maisy run up the wing of the playground, banged in the right foot, bent it like archie gemmel around the jumper goal post and bang its in the back of the net.

Unfortunately, on this occasions the so called net, is my pregnat wife.

She gives the little boy pelters abuse, tells the headmistress and basically goes bananas.

She is a little bruised and sore, but it seems to have awakened baby, as he or she is giving it salsa classes in the womb.

Hope its Ok, thinking about this quite a lot this week.

Week 19 update

If you have not looked into childbirth classes, now is the time to do so. Childbirth education is a great way of informing yourself about pregnancy, labor and birth. There are many different types of classes available and many different types of teachers. Enroll now before the spaces are all gone! Today's classes generally offer topics to fit everyone's birth wishes.
Find a class that best fits your schedule. Some classes meet for a few hours every week for several weeks, while other meet for an intense period of time over one or two days.

This is an impressive week for growth! The baby will increase in weight to 8 ounces (227 grams)! If you are having a girl, her ovaries now contain primitive egg cells. Lanugo appears all over the baby's body. This fine hair will remain until birth draws nearer. Sometimes you can still see some on the baby's face and ears after birth.
Permanent teeth buds are forming behind the already formed milk teeth buds.

Mom may start asking you if you feel the baby move. Invariably you either can't feel the baby yet or the baby quits moving as soon as you put your hand over it. This is very normal. Most people can't feel the baby move from the outside until around week 28.

(thats a no from me, gutted )

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in teh water

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water.

The mood swings and big teeth attacks seem to have died down...... until.....

Britains got talent, a little boy comes on and sings opera, sort of Alled Jones style.

He is excellent, but it sets connie off on a complete freeko streak and has her absolutely bawling her eyes out.

I think we need a bigger boat.......

Doo Dooo, DOooo Doooo, Dooo Doo, Dunn Ahhhhh

Heatbeat trip to the MIdwife

We go to the midwifes today for a check up and she searches for the babies heartbeat.

She cant find it at first, and I have an instant moment of panic.

Its only for a second and suddenly we are hear the baby.

The heartbeats sound like a choo choo train.

I cant contain myself from laughing, but its a sort of uncontrollable does of the stoned giggles that you can stop yourself and you dont really know why you are laughing.

I am dying to put my hand in the air and with a couple of downward motions, go WOO WOO, all aboard, but I resist the temptation.

Connie mentions to the midwife that she is loosign weight, but she explains that is perfectly normal. She could have fooled me, she is the size of an artic lorry.

Week 18 - Read closely for the fau pau

Sleeping may be increasingly difficult now, as your body grows. Try propping yourself with pillows to help you find a more comfortable sleeping position. You might also try doing pelvic tilts before bed, and always urinate before laying down.
If you haven't started yet, try playing around with baby names! Look through your family history, read books, look at combinations for girls and boys. Remember to ensure that the initials don't spell something rude, and never give your kids the same initials!

At 20.5 cms or 8.1 inches total length, your baby is growing rapidly. S/he weighs about 7 ounces (198 grams). The bones are continuing the ossification process. The pads of the fingers and toes are formed and the fingerprints are developing as well.

When I asked my husband what a good tip for dads would be at week eighteen, he said "Don't tell your wife she's starting to look fat, because that's about when you really start poofing out." Take that for what it's worth, from the father of seven.
(oops, should have read that first, before telling her she looked like a burst couch, a wizards sleeve, or a ripped out fireplace, lesson learned)

Support Pillows and Shagging

She bought a support pillow today, as she feels like she is sore when she sleeps and cant get comfy.

I can vouch for this, she is up and down like a yo yo for pee pees, then shes tossing and turning, then she is up and down. When she is sleepign, she is snoring like a barnyard animal.

I am seriously consdiring sleeping on teh couch.

She buys, this support pillow, its the length of the bed and its like a big topedo that goes in the middle between us.

That rules out an intimate contact, which quite honestly is off the cards, Im starting to think that she got pregnant using the immaculate conception technique as there isnt any daddy action going on here.

I find the pillow a proper distraction at first, but connie reliable informs me that every time she goes for a pee, she comes back and I am wrapped around it and she has to prise me off it and roll me back to my four inches of remaining bed space.

She of course claims that I have all the space, but considering her concept of six inches, I decide that she cant tell distance accurately.

Going to work for a rest, and im sure there will be many more sleepless nights to come.

Week 17

Mood swings are still ongoing, not going to detail them here in case she catches me writing this, but its like catching a lift with the big dipper or the hulk.

Your uterus is now about halfway between your pubic bone and navel. Your secretions all over your body may increase, due to the increased blood volume. So if you are sweating more, have nasal congestion, or are suffering from increased vaginal discharge this is nothing to worry about and will go away after the birth of the baby.

Your baby is forming brown fat deposits under his or her skin, by the end of pregnancy this will account for 2-6% of their total body weight. This will help them maintain their body temperature when they are born. The baby weighs in at about 5 ounces (142 grams). This means that the baby now weighs more than the placenta. No new structures have formed.
Loud noises outside may actually cause the baby to startle.

Do you know if there are any expectant dad classes in your area? You might try calling the hospital, birth center or local childbirth educators to find out what is offered in your location.
( not on your life, expectant dads getting together sounds like a trip to the boozer to me)

Week 16 - its all quite on teh western front

Nothing happening this week to write about, it all pretty much a status quo. Rockign all over the world.

You may begin to feel the baby move around this point. This is more likely to happen now if you are a multipara (someone who has had a previous child) or if you are very thin. Generally you will feel the baby move about one month earlier than you did in a previous pregnancy, mainly because you know what you are feeling. It is not uncommon for first time mothers to not recognize fetal movements until 22-24 weeks. These first movements are called "quickening." They can also be used in helping to determine your due date.

Your baby's nails are well formed, and some babies are even in need of having their nails trimmed at birth. The ears have also moved from the neck to the head.
Your baby is emptying his or her bladder every 40-45 minutes. The limb movements are becoming more coordinated. Your baby is about 3 ounces (85 grams) and 6.3 inches (16 cms). Using an ultrasound you might be able to tell if your baby is a girl or boy at this point, but it's still a bit early.

Have you been to a prenatal appointment recently? It might be nice to try to go again, it's been about a month since you've first heard the baby's heart beat. Think of it as a nice chance to sneak away for lunch together and to celebrate your baby-to-be.

(been there done that,)

Week 15 - perpetual moaning

Cracked up this week, told her to stop her perpetual moaning. She is doing my nut in, why cant she just be happy. lifes what you make it and all that. i tell her this in pretty blunt terms, she cries. Nothing else to report this week.

Heres what the pregnancy dairy says, feeling a bit guilty today:

Your heart is increasing its output to supply the baby with oxygen. Your enlarged heart is pumping about 20% more blood than prepregnancy. This volume will actually increase throughout your pregnancy for an ending increased heart output of 30-50%. If your clothes are getting tight, do not try to cram yourself into clothes try maternity clothes. The maternal blood screening for neural tube defects, often called the Alpha-fetoprotein Test (AFP) (Quad or Triple Screen) may be offered at this point. It is a screening that is most accurate during the 15 - 17th weeks of gestation.

Your baby may have developed the habit of sucking his or her thumb! The skin is very thin and you can see the blood vessels clearly underneath.
Your baby is about 70 grams. The scalp hair pattern is developing. And the heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day. This will increase to about 300 at term.

If mom is raiding your closet for clothes, you are not alone. However, there are products out there that you can try to help her extend the life of her prepregnancy clothes that don't involved pins, rubber bands or stealing your clothes!
(no, she is bigger than I am, my clothes dont fit her, we have to go shopping for her first maternity outfits)

week 14 update

Nothign much to report this week, the mood swings continue, here whats the pregnancy diary has to say about week 14.

The hormonal changes in your body are becoming apparent. Many are in the form of skin changes. These changes can alter how you use make up in pregnancy. You may have also developed a dark line down the middle of your abdomen to your pubic bone called a linea negra. The areola (dark nipple portion of your breasts) may have darkened and gotten larger as well. Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit.

The baby is now about 12.5 cms or 4.92 inches. Your baby is now producing urine and actually urinating into the amniotic fluid. It also can practice "breathing" the amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs.
Amniotic fluid is an amazing substance. It completely regenerates itself every three hours. We do know that it is partially composed of urine from the baby, but where amniotic fluid in general is made we are not sure. Modern medicine still has some surprises left.

As mom is feeling better, you may feel like she's back to her old self again (my arse). Many parents slip into a lull during the first weeks of the second trimester. Her belly isn't yet really showing a lot, so it may still be mostly your secret in public.(nope belly is there and it huge)

Mood swings and Tears

Although she was never one for mood swings and tears, she is terrible for pregnant hormone moode swings.

My friend L, is the very same, its like an emotional rollercoaster talking to either of them jsut now.

You have to tread softly gentleman, becuase the least little comment that can be remotely mis constituted can bring on an enslaught of the baby bubbles.

its a tight rope spud, its a tight rope.

Thank god its not twins

Thank god its not twins.

Connie had been like a size of a house up until the scan day and I was constantly teasing her that it was twins.

Apparently, when its not your first baby the bump can get bigger quickly as the body is already prepared for what is going to happen.

Very pleased there was only one baby on the scan, as Im not sure where we could put twins, or how we could afford them.

Lets hope on birth date, that one little bugger wasnt just playing hide and seek behind the other.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Scan Day - Part Two

The waiting room fills up quickly.

There is a mother and a father there that look far too old to be having another baby. A women that looks like she is into greenpeace and all that shit. Alternative clothing, all natural woolen fabric and open toed sandals. Not dirty like a total tree hugger, but probably more the Range Rover driving wannabee hippy snob that thinks she is suddenly all green.

Theres the obligitatory teenage mum there too, we will call her shantel just for continuity purposes. She doesnt look much older than my eldest daughter and she has the ned boyfriend, with tracksuit and baseball cap to boot.

Great, just what edinburgh needs, another slice off the gene pool. Some people just should have children, the crime rate would go down in 15 years time.

We finally get called, and the midwife gets us in, scanned and out as quickly as possible.

I was dissapointed we didnt get to hear the heatbeat, but its comforting to see it blinking on the screen.

Its all a little anti climatic, but she gives us two pictures to take home and they are as clear as day.
I can see little face and arms and a leg, or at least thats the basic shape.

Connie goes into to pee and I take a photo of the scan picture on my mobile and send it to Duffer and L. L gets it and replies right away but duffers phones so old it doesnt get mms messages so thats him goosed. He replies in a few days, but thats duffers style. He is a great mate but keeping in touch especially by phone is never his strong point. His calls are usually functional and straight to the point like "awright, hows it going, good, see you the night"

We go home (at last) and i kip on the couch for a few hours, dead to the world.

Big weight of my mind though, the danger period is over

Saturday 26 April 2008

Scan Day

13 weeks have passed and its time for the scan date.

I am absolutely bricking it as a previous pregnancy didnt have a heart beat.

I recal sitting looking at the kidney bean on the screen and when the midwife called in a staff nurse to look, she explained to us that the baby was effectively dead.

This was before my youngest was born but it still haunts me, strangely I am convinced it was a boy, but probably only because i have three girls.

It haunted me for an age, bad dreams, lots of time of work, almost lost my marriage, you get the idea, a bit of the rails to say the least.

Anyway, its scan day. Times ticking so slowing, it might have well as stopped, people are moving slowly, the traffic has ground to a halt. There is queues and red traffic lights and roadworks every where. Theres more busses on the road, and more nissan micras holding me up than normal. There is no parking spaces at the hospital and a stupid womens car alarm is screaming at me.

To top it all, the clinic is late in opening and there is a queue of mothers and occasional fathers huddled around the automatic doors waiting to get in.

Some of them are filling their lungs (and that of their little ones) with rancid smoke and in my minds eye I cant help seeing little babies choking with the fumes. Ungratefull bitches not knowing what a gift they have been given.

To say im on edge, is an understatement. I am so worried that I have a cold and I have my thickest north face duvet jacket on, waiting for the doors to awaken from their slumber.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

A little more time later, but still at the beginning.

Told two (elder) friends of mine Norrie & Geordie, that we had a little accident. Norries is a diamond, the man is full of wisdom, generosity and for want of a better word, love. When he talks he has one of these voices that people listed to.

Geordie, is the same but in a different sort of "clip around the ear" sort of way. He doesnt mince his words, but he always has a kind word to say and thats really important.

But, I cant think of someone besides my dad that I respect quite as much as these two. There not mates as such, more fatherly figures. I see them once every two weeks or so, I look forward to it and it keeps me on the level.

Anyways, Norries words were "Son, theres no such thing as accidents, only un-planned events"

I tell as many people as I can that, I just love it and it sums up Norrie to a tea.

Geordies happy too, and he knows where ive been to in the past year, so he's happy that things are on track.

Some time later

Told some close friends today, West, L and Duffer.

West is his ever dipomatic self and offers me a well done and a handshake. He fires blanks now, since getting the snip and I think to myself that Im one up.

L, she is carrying her own spawn of satan and is a month ahead of us, looking forward to sharing baby news with her over the coming months. Cant help thinking I have stole a little of her thunder as its her first baby, but too late now.

Duffer, shoots from the hip (no pun intended) and asks me what the f*** we were playing at, as last year wasnt exactly marrital bliss.

He is suportive however and is pleased enough though, he loves kids and the ones that I have already adore Uncle Duffer. Even the dog likes him more than me.

Told Dad, he is worried. Just because he doesnt really understand babies and stuff. He only had me and broke the mold.

Day 1

"Andy - come quick "

"What is it, what is it, whats wrong"

"I'm pregnant, I cant be, what are we going to do"

Sure enough the line had gone blue and according to the instructions, it was definately a sign of being up the duff.

All I could think to do was laugh my head off, that sort of nervous uncontrollable, fit of the stoned giggles sort of laugh.

Over the moon, but sort of not too. I thought our days of having more kids was over as we had just started to get a life back. Our youngest was 5 (and a half) and it was going to be back to nappies and sleepless nights.