Wednesday 21 May 2008

Feeling insecure - the big row main event

Last night, I get in from work and connie is all sweetness and light.

There is clearly something bothering her and I put my arms around her and give her a cuddle. I make her tell me what the matter is and she tells me that she is feeling insecure. I probe a little and she tells me that she has read my txt messages on my phone.

Apparently, she says that I had leant my phone to Abbie the other night as I had lots of free minutes and she took the opportunities to read my messages.

She must have read a fair few, very specifically to my mate L, who is also up the duff.

Now to set the seen, L, West and Duffer were the few people that were there for me when Connie and I split at Christmas time.

L is my mate, but thats as far as it goes, we get on great, but she would be far too high maintenance as a burd and not my type. I suppose that she isnt unnatractive, in fact she is probably quite pretty, but she just isnt my type. She is however a really good mate, funny, smart and intelligent. I hold her in high regard and we tell each other loads of stuff. Its good having bloke mates like west and duffer but sometimes you cant quite show your sensitive side to a bloke mate.

So Connie sees these messages and goes off on one, why are you txting her, I dont think you should be calling her this name or that name, is there something going on, do you like her, do you want to be with her and not me, blah blah blah blah blah.

I am calm to start with and tell her nothings going on and that L is my mate, she keeps going on. I loose the plot a little.

Who is she to question me over some innocent txts. I storm out and dont come back until she is in bed. When I do, Im not sure if she is sleeping or just lying in the dark and I dont make eye contact to find out. I switch on my bedside lamp and read my book, she doesnt turn over or makes any move to apologise. I sleep with a clear conscious

I think that Im owed an apology and I think that I might hold out from speaking until I get one.

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