Sunday 4 May 2008

week 14 update

Nothign much to report this week, the mood swings continue, here whats the pregnancy diary has to say about week 14.

The hormonal changes in your body are becoming apparent. Many are in the form of skin changes. These changes can alter how you use make up in pregnancy. You may have also developed a dark line down the middle of your abdomen to your pubic bone called a linea negra. The areola (dark nipple portion of your breasts) may have darkened and gotten larger as well. Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit.

The baby is now about 12.5 cms or 4.92 inches. Your baby is now producing urine and actually urinating into the amniotic fluid. It also can practice "breathing" the amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs.
Amniotic fluid is an amazing substance. It completely regenerates itself every three hours. We do know that it is partially composed of urine from the baby, but where amniotic fluid in general is made we are not sure. Modern medicine still has some surprises left.

As mom is feeling better, you may feel like she's back to her old self again (my arse). Many parents slip into a lull during the first weeks of the second trimester. Her belly isn't yet really showing a lot, so it may still be mostly your secret in public.(nope belly is there and it huge)

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