Saturday 31 May 2008

Sleep Deprovation

I have been living with the support pillows for quite some time ago.

Connie doesnt seem to be sleeping well at all, all the time it seems like she is tossing and turning, getting up to pee, coming back to bed, snoring like a barnyard animal, grunting, kicking off the covers, stealing the covers, pitching back and forward.

Aparently, I have taken to talking to her in my sleep, although I have no recollection about this in the morning.

This can range anything from genuine concern as to whether there is something wrong with her, or telling her to belt up using one syllable words in an angry and agreesive will you shut the fuck up sort of way.

I have to take her word for this, but I know that every morning I have to drag myself from teh depths of slumber and Im feeling altogether muddled. Thus, I know that i cannot therefore by sleeping a sound and rewarding sleep for it has been disturbed and frenzied throughout.

Sleep deprovation is a terrible thing.

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